Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stepping Stone Seasons

We don’t like the difficult seasons in life.
We don’t jump up and down for joy when everything goes wrong.

We struggle when the heavens seem silent.
We get uncomfortable when God doesn’t fulfill His promise in our timeframe.
We freak out when the job is lost, the family fights and our health dwindles.
We can’t stand staying in the dead end job longer than a day.
We hate chasing a dream, pursuing God’s call on our lives only to watch it all fall apart.
We find it unfair to do the right thing, flee from temptation, and pay the consequences of someone else’s sin.

We want every season to be a season of blessing.

We want to always feel God with us.
We desire to see our prayers answered right away.
We strive after the well-paying job, the new house and fancy car.
We pray for God’s favor to be poured out on our lives.
We want the family to be healthy, the job satisfying and the bank account overflowing.

We fully embrace the seasons of blessing.
And do all we can to avoid the seasons of hardship.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

Seasons of hardship aren’t meant to be avoided. Seasons where it feels as if God has turned his back and forgotten about us aren’t meant to be despised. The lack and frustration and heartache shouldn’t be wished over.

God works every season in our lives for our good.

Noah spent years building an ark and over a year in the ark in order to be saved from the flood.
Abraham cried out 50 years for a son, only to see his prayers fall flat.
Moses endured 40 years of obscurity in the desert before standing before Pharaoh.
Joseph was thrown in a pit, sold into slavery, accused of rape and put in jail for a crime he didn’t commit to prepare him to be second in command.
David endured the pain of his mentor trying to kill him in order to become king.
Ester was ripped from her home, spent a year being scrubbed and cleansed all to spend one night with the king.

Every season where it felt as if God turned His back is just a stepping stone in His plan for our lives.

You don’t become king without sacrifice.
You don’t save a nation from famine without betrayal.
You don’t lead people out of bondage without time in the wilderness.
You can’t stand before rulers and authorities without brokenness.

You can’t expect to accomplish great things for God without seasons of hardship.
They go hand in hand.

God allows every season in our lives for a purpose.
Our job is to embrace whatever season we are in, and use it as a stepping stone in His plan for our lives.


  1. This is more relevant, true, inspiring and instructive than most preachers I see on TV, sister! Thank you! Powerful!

    Blessings in Christ,


  2. Wow Emma, I really love your writing on a normal day, but I really appreciated this one in particular. Isn't it funny... no matter where you are on the journey of faith, this one lesson is so hard to learn. We constantly need this correct, Godly perspective cast before us so that we don't lose heart in the middle of life's junk.

    Love and miss you, my friend. Thank you for remaining so faithful in your service to Jesus. <3
