Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is The Grass Really Greener On The Other Side?

Why is it that we try so hard to belong in places we were never meant to be? Usually, it's because we want so badly to be there. But what we've failed to realize at one time or another is that it's not being where WE want that brings the fulfillment and satisfaction we seek; it's being where God wants us to be.

You see, God has designed and equipped us to fulfill a particular role in this world. If we spend all our time trying to be somewhere else or do something else, not only will we probably experience dissatisfaction in the place we weren't meant to be, but we'll also miss out on the rich blessings God has planned to give us in the place He planned for us to be.

God hates it when we pass up on the real life and settle for false promises of this world.

Oh sure, the other side of the fence might look greener, but it's an optical illusion. It's not really a field full of green grass; it's a field planted with grass that Satan has painted to look green so he can deceive us into moving to his side of the fence.

I think that sometimes things are the hardest when we are headed in the direction God wants for us.

The grass is not greener on the other side, it's greener where we water and fertilize it.

I'm certain that the best I can think of for myself pales in comparison to the best God has in mind for me.

"As the heaven are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:9

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

But We See Jesus!

“In putting everything under him, God left nothing
that is not subject to Him. Yet at present
we do not see everything subject to Him.
But we see Jesus.” (Heb. 2:8b-9a NIV)

Don’t you love it when a familiar scripture leaps off the page at you as if you’ve never seen it before? As I read the above scripture the other day, this part bounced up and crashed right into my heart, “Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him. But we see Jesus.” (Heb. 2:8b-9a NKJV)

Though some circumstances may not be subject to our control, they are always subject to the Lord’s control, even when, at times, they do not appear that way to us.

Without the same point of view as God, the same Spirit-realm vision, we fail to see God’s hand in action or His Word at work. We wonder why He is taking so long to remedy our circumstances or why He doesn’t answer our prayers.

But, no matter...

No matter what others say about us, we see Jesus.
No matter how discouraged we become, we see Jesus.
No matter what trials and afflictions pursue us, we see Jesus.
No matter how dark the night’s grief enshrouds us, we see Jesus.

As David said, “I lift my eyes to you, O God, enthroned in heaven.” (Ps. 123:1 NLT)

Whatever comes our way...we see Jesus!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Operation Fragrance

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.” –2 Corinthians 2:14

Trees and other plants rely on small animals to help them survive. Bees carry pollen from flower to flower in Spring. Squirrels take acorns and other nuts from place to place. Birds move the seeds from fruit trees to new locations where there may be more room for seedlings to grow. In turn, the animals get the food they need from the plants. God planned for the plants and animals to help each other in this way.

In a similar way, we carry the fragrance of the knowledge of God with us wherever we go. We plant seeds of God’s love in others, nourishing them spiritual and helping God's kingdom to thrive. As we go where God leads, He goes with us, filling us with His Spirit, His strength. This is God’s plan for us. We are triumphant so long as we rely on Him.

Holy Spirit, fill my life with the fragrance of Your love that others may know You wherever I go. Amen.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The World is Full of Wounded People Wearing Masks

Have you heard the phrase, “You can’t judge a book by its cover”? It’s true. Most of the time, people are not who they seem to be. You may be one of those people walking around right now.

Unless you have been outwardly wounded in some way, others can’t see your wounds. All wounds are not gaping holes or bleeding cuts. The worst looking ones are usually on the inside of us where no one can see and be disgusted.

That’s what people expect, you know. They think that others will be offended or disgusted when they see who you really are. Can she see that I used to do drugs? Does he know that my family is poor? They won’t talk to me anymore if they knew I had been sexually abused.

So, everyday you hide behind the mask. What is the mask? It’s smiles, laughter, a short temper, an indifferent attitude or acting clueless. You show whatever type of face or attitude that will keep the demons away.

The longer you do that, the less anything in your life will seem real. The mask is a lie and it will eat you alive. Satan likes masks. It lets him hide his true intentions from you. You may think that hiding your pain is helping you live but instead, it is holding you prisoner.

Here’s a scenario that everyone can relate to: Someone in your life hurts you. It could be physical, verbal or emotional. When it’s over, they walk away without apology or regret. Because they don’t care, you refuse to forgive them. That unforgiving attitude turns you into someone else. You lash out at people with your tongue or even your fists. All the while, the person who hurt you is walking around without any thought of you whatsoever.

Does this sound familiar? God wants to heal your wounds. Jesus died on the cross so that you could be free from bearing that pain alone (Isaiah 53:5).

If you’ve never read the Bible or it has been a long time, here are a few people you need to become acquainted with: The woman at the Well, the Samaritan woman, the woman with the issue of blood, the man by the pool of Bethesda. Most of these people are women but their gender doesn’t matter. What matters is how Jesus responded to them.

Their wound wasn’t always evident to others. But, their belief in Jesus healed the source of their pain. Living with your pain is not God’s will. He wants to heal your mind, body and soul through His love and your faith that He can do it.

This doesn’t mean that the pain goes away all at once. Sometimes physical infirmities stay with you as a lesson through your life to others who are suffering. God’s love turns an evil deed into something that can benefit your life and His message.

Many bitter people are holding on to pain. The wound has infected their entire life. Jesus came to save the ones who are lost and living with hidden pain is definitely living as a lost soul.

You might even be scared. Giving up the pain you have hidden for so long means you are opening yourself up to the possibility of more pain. But, God won’t hurt you. Let His healing wash out the fear and bring you back to life once again.

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
-John 16:33